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Back Pain

Low back pain is common, but it is not normal. It is an adaptation occurring largely in a population that are either physically working hard or sedentary. If it goes on for many years, it will start to rewire the brain (not for the better).

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The Lumbar Spine (low back)

The lumbar spine has the prime role of stabilizing the body throughout gait and trunk movements. There is often large forces at work going through the muscles, ligaments, facet joints and intervertebral discs. It is very important for these tissues to remain healthy throughout your life for optimum movement quality and capacity.


Many people with low back pain report doing something very minor before experiencing intense pain, like bending over to put on a shoe or pick up something very light. Don't be fooled, this is just the 'straw that broke the camel's back'. It is an end result of prior changes in the spine, be it dehydration, repetitive minor tissue tearing or fixated joints. 

If you experience local pain, with most cases there will be an inflammatory process at play. It is important to mitigate this early to allow the muscles a chance to relax and restore some level of blood flow to the area.

Now when you have an individual muscle damaged, its oxygen supply (blood flow) is direct and readily available. For the most part, deep tissues of the low back, the intervertebral discs, rely on movement of the spine to passively draw in oxygen. This is a process called imbibition.

So no wonder you get a sore back when you've been sitting down all day. Now compound that over a few years and you have a recipe for not only soreness, but rapid decline of health of the spine. This is pain waiting to happen.


For a thorough and expert assessment, contact our clinic. We can provide you with a quick fix or a long term solution.


Get your spine checked before you have symptoms, so you can get familiar with how your body should move.

(02) 8021 9101

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